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Debt free!
Every so often, when you focus on what you owe, it can make you sag like a huge weight. Debt is something better not to get into,...

Life glow
This catches my eye in my garden this morning. Look at what the sunlight does!!! The leaves begin a dull grey-green. And then the sun...

Unwilling servant
Jonah was soooo not willing! He only went to Ninevah because God made him! He preached resentfully - not about a God who wanted to save...

Why pray?
I'm thinking that with work starting again after 2 weeks of down time, there won't be as much time to mull over things - so all these...

Been doing lots of thinking this morning... Social media has become an interesting place these days. Photos can be enhanced until...

Love craving...
There is a love for which you seek. A love deep and pure and unending. A love which never changes. You will not find it in a human heart....

He's got this...
Today's mini-thought... A tiny bird feasting on the fruit of my loquat tree. This verse pops into my head - Matthew 6:26-27. "Look at...

Choose to shine!
So much pain. So much dark and brokenness. It's there. I know it. I pray about it every day. But then my consciousness is captured by the...

We belong.
Do you realise that God did not save you and then leave you to find your own way?! He saved you - which was huge in itself! But then he...

Take the lifeboat!
As I sit here wrapped in warmth, mellow in my singing garden, rocking gently in my swing chair, thinking about my beautiful God and the...

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