"With" us...
God has always wanted to be "with" us! In the Garden, before sin came into the world, he walked freely with us. After sin, he found a way to be "with" us whilst shielding us from the death that would come from being with him! He had a tabernacle set up in the midst of the Israelite camp so that he could dwell amongst them. None could come close though - except for Moses, and the high priest who would first need careful purification to stay alive near him. Lambs were offered for cleansing - a symbol of the what it would cost God to be near us again.
Then came Jesus! God "with" us!! Clothed in mortal form so he could walk and talk with us and show his heart to us! A nearer connection! That human form was the "tabernacle" that housed him. And he, himself, became the lamb to cleanse us. Heaven's highest gift! But that same form, whilst it gave us a more one-on-one connection, also limited him in whom he could be "with".
Today we have "God with us" in the form of his Spirit, who comes to live in us as his temples! Now he is able to be intimately connected with every person here who wishes him to be! Continually. Teaching, healing, transforming us into the beautiful individuals we were meant to be!! But can't be without him.
And one day, Jesus will come back - so that where he is, we can be also!!! (John 14:6) Living within us!! In us and through us!! As Jesus said - "... they will be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you." (John 17:21) All connected by the same beautiful Spirit! Revelation 21:22 says he, himself, will be our temple. And he is our lamb price - debt forever paid!
Each step he has made has been a step closer. To being fully "with" us again! No more separation! God with us as he always wanted to be! Forever.
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