About me

Hi! I'm a 54 year old wife, and mother of two beautiful teenagers. My parents found God in a search for healing after the sudden loss of a precious baby girl, so I had grown up in a church, heard all the stories, and really wanted God to want me. But I couldn't seem to get my life right, so I figured he wouldn't take me very seriously.
Then, at 17, listening to stories at a church youth camp, God made it clear to me that I was adored by Him - right then! Just as I was. It wasn't that He didn't have a better picture of who I could be - He did! And we're still working on that :D But He loved me completely - and that would never change. He still does ... He has walked with me every day of my life - through my depths of despair, my heights of joy, my days of shame, and my baby-step climbs. He is my life. Every good thing I have has come from Him.
Lately I have been spending more time letting Him feed my mind in the mornings. It gives me such a sense of peace, and courage, and strength. And He feeds me little gems of thought that until now I have mostly held in my heart. I'm not sure how this will go - I'm not so very tech savvy :) but I thought maybe if I put them out there - someone else might benefit from them too :D
So ... Here goes ... For anyone who wants to read them ...
Morning musings with my God .....