It's the Little Things
Have you ever had someone in your life who would lie to you about little things. And you wondered why they would do that?! After all, the consequences of whatever they were lying about weren't likely to be very much. I guess they don't think it matters much - because they're such little things. But then, if they're willing to lie about things with such small likely results, how much more likely are they to lie about the big things with greater potential consequences? That makes for big trust issues.
It made me think about a story Jesus told that I've always struggled to understand. It's the story of the talents given to the servants and it's found in Matthew 24. I've always thought it was about using our gifts for him, even when we have few. And perhaps it is. But I've always wondered why the unused talent of the man given the least, was then given to the one who had the most!!
This morning I saw something a little different. It's about faithfulness! And how being faithful in the little, unimportant looking things in life, means that he can trust you with being faithful in the big things!! If you're trivialising the little things and not being faithful in those, how can he trust you with the big things?? He will give them to those who have shown themselves to be faithful in all things. Interesting, the little twists God opens to my mind. 😊
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