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Why pray?

I'm thinking that with work starting again after 2 weeks of down time, there won't be as much time to mull over things - so all these thoughts have come at once! I'm sharing them while I can, because it's probably going to get quiet again 😏 Why pray? God does not need our permission. He loves our loved ones more than we do! He started fighting for us before we even knew we needed it! And he knows our needs and requests before we even present them. So why pray? Because it connects our focus on him - helps us to experience who he is in a deeper way. It leads us to be on the same page with him. It helps us to see what he's actually doing on this earth. Helps us to see the results. Helps our faith in him to grow. And maybe there's even more that it does that I'm unaware of! Like many things in this life, I might not understand it all, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work! Jesus prayed. It linked his will and mind with God. It gave him strength of resolve. He showed us it could lead to miracles! And if Jesus needed it as part of his life, so do I. Whatever it is that prayer does, I choose it. 

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