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One More Step...

I think sometimes we see the way Jesus dealt with the crucifixion as super-human. So we don't really relate. He did what would have been impossible for anyone else because he was God. In human flesh. But I wonder if we ever think of his humanness? Seek to get inside his head for those final hours? Try to understand how he stuck solidly to the plan despite the trauma of it all?

In the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing what was ahead, he begged, if it was at all possible - if there could be another way - that he could be released from this walk. That definitely shows his humanity. He was distraught by what was coming - as you or I would have been in his place. But he walked away from that garden, determined to follow it through to the bitter end.

He reached the crucifixion morning exhausted from facing a barrage of false accusations and pretence of trials. His back was ripped to sheds by the scourge he had borne. Physically and mentally depleted, he stumbled and fell under the weight of his own cross he was forced to carry. He was so unable to do this, that another was dragged in to carry it for him.

All his closest friends here had deserted him in his struggle. Even God, his father, on whom he had relied for his strength and comfort - appeared to have forsaken him at his hour of greatest need!! His cries "My God, my God - why have YOU forsaken me??" tear at my heart.

This very human Jesus, broken and torn and beaten and maligned, how did he continue to force his steps to carry on??? How did his mind cling to his purpose??? What thoughts helped him drive on??? Was it "One more step Father. Help me take one more step."? How did he voluntarily move on with each dreadful stage of that night and day, knowing it was never rightfully his to endure and he could bail out at any time???

He allowed the cruelty. He allowed the abuse. And in his agony, as he hung dying a death that was ours! - his spirit prayed for our forgiveness, as we did not know what we were doing. And I know he was God's Son, but I also know he was living this life as human, never using his divinity to buy himself advantages. And I know he spent years in his human form solidifying his relationship with his father, so he could make it through - but experiencing that intense darkness here, even hid Him from view!!!

From one human seeing this deep struggle of another, it breaks and sobers my heart. This beautiful soul and mind that was his. How he did it, I do not know. But he made it through!!! And he bought us freedom!!! And I will forever love him for what he did.

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