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My Rock

We surround ourselves with friends we cherish - those who love and lift us! Those who bring us laughter and joy! Those who really hear and see us! Who value who we are at the core. They become part of our personal universe - already established amongst family we belong to by blood!

Our family and our friends become part of our energy source! As we are fed positively, so we have that energy to share! But what happens when relationships that we have treasured amongst those foundational to our well being, became torn and irreparable?? What happens when illness, struggle and even death, drains the resources of those on whom we lean??? What if they are all lost, or broken, one by one, until we are trying to maintain positive energy all alone, with very little to fill us from those around us??

We can become desperate seekers - struggling to fill our tanks with momentary pleasures from activities we indulge in. We can become hardened, strengthened in our resolve to survive no matter what is stolen from us. We can become disillusioned and cynical - our trust in the goodness of life broken. We no longer have the resources for positivity in our own lives, let alone for filling and lifting others.

I have learnt in this life, that no one can be relied on to be the support and positive energy that we long for. No one will always be there. In our humanness, we fail. We defend our own needs and desires, often to the detriment of others - even those we love!! Fractures occur often, and with everyone!! Stress destroys peace and drains us of energy to give others. The older we get, the more we realise that there is little to depend on. Even those we treasure and who treasure us most will one day pass on. No one can be the rock we crave.

It is at this point of realisation that God becomes everything. Because he never changes - and he never will. And he never dies. And he has promised to always be there for us if that's what we want - and he does not lie! And he does not fail! And he is an endless source of the most beautiful, pure, uplifting, strengthening, comforting love ever known! Because he is that love!!!

He is that unfailing source of positive life that fills me every day to overflowing!!! And I have that resource forever. To lift me - to lift those around me. My ability to share positive energy will never depend on what I receive from those around me or on what is happening around me. Because he is my absolute rock - and I know he'll always be there to fill me up.

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