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Three Gifts

I was thinking of the story of the Prodigal Son (couldn't tell you how my thoughts wandered to that 😄!). But remembering how significant symbolism is in the stories Jesus told, I began to think about the three things the Father quickly provided as his wayward son was coming home!

The robe. His Father's best robe!!! Wrapped quickly around his shoulders, covering the rags his boy wore. Beautiful, rich, luxurious purity, covering the shame of an ugly life!! Not given as he deserved, but a gift of absolute love.

Then the ring - a symbol of belonging to the family, with all its inherent rights as a claimed son! He was totally unworthy. He knew it. He had squandered all that was rightfully his. And yet - once more he was included in the riches of his Father. Again - undeserved. A lavish gift of love.

And finally - the shoes. No longer to shamefully walk bare foot like a beggar. But to walk securely. To walk the walk of his Father. Another unmerited gift - to walk life as his Father had originally intended for him! To live life beautifully as his Father had dreamed for him.

Three gifts. All undeserved. All lavish expressions of the Father's love! And that alone. And they are the gifts he offers to anyone who will come home.

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