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That Love is Everything!

This morning's drive-to-work musings...

I remember my Dad saying once, "There's too many sermons about love." Now I know he was saying that people focus so much on the love of God for them, that they think it's unnecessary to worry about their behaviour anymore - that God will forgive it all because of that love and they can live however they want. That they choose to not look at the 'scarier' qualities of God - his holiness and purity that cannot co-exist with the dark side of us - and the fact that there are consequences that come with breaking out of the engineering design that this world and our lives were created with! Nobody really wants to look at those!

Dad was thinking that people trivialise God by putting those things aside and only looking at the generous freedom provided by the gift of redemption poured out in that huge love of his. I guess it can be the way some people go. But what I replied I think is also powerfully true - "Dad, you know that's what it's all about, right??!!"

That love is what it's all about!!! "God so loved that he gave...!!!" (John 3:16) because "God is love!!" (1 John 4:7) And when we are completely overwhelmed and held in that love, it changes the core of us!! So we no longer want to live life outside of the boundaries he set for optimal life!!! That love transforms!! And heals!! And brings beauty out of us that he meant for us to have!!!

That love saves us!!! It is everything!!! It is the whole story!!! And knowing that love holds us, "casts out all fear!" Because fear comes with spectre of punishment. But his perfect love casts out all fear. (1 John 4:18 - Tanya paraphrased) When you know that love, and you're his, you're no longer afraid! Those consequences have passed from you. His great love in his Son, took them all!!!

So while God is love, and that is the whole basis of the gospel, there is reason for my Dad's concern. Outside of that love, the consequences still stand. Choosing to live outside of his life means we also forego his gift. So while God is love! and that love is life to those who accept it, the holiness and purity of God still exists and cannot co-exist with wrong. Only in his love is that fear cast out. That love is everything!

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