In His Eyes...
Like an old, old relic,
broken and shabby,
dug from beneath the rubbish piled atop -
so is the gift I give to my God.
Looks like junk really!
But it's all I have give him.
And it's all he asks.
After seeking me out
and picking me up -
and looking at me with that love in his eyes! -
how could I deny him this small thing he asks?!
I'm not worth much in this condition anyway!
At least - not to anyone else!
But to him -
I'm worth everything.
For some reason he cherishes me!
He sees more in me
than I could ever dream!
And he has begun his work in me.
To carefully, skilfully,
recreate the beauty in me
that was my original design.
I am his.
I feel honoured to be.
He treats me tenderly -
as if I have so much value!
I am his treasure -
as flawed as I am.
And one day,
I will reach the pinnacle of his dream for me.
Because of all that he is doing for me -
to bring out the beauty
hidden beneath the grime.
No photo credit
