Heart Connection
Sometimes I struggle with prayer being something more than just words. To me, the words are just that - and not meaningful, unless my heart and mind are joined together with them! And sometimes it's hard to get that honest connection.
When that happens, I've found something that always works. I turn my mind to what makes God so wonderful. His creativity. His passionate heart. His warm forgiveness. His fathomless love. The overwhelming depth of his gift! And this ... the way he has always been there for me.
Even on my darkest days, when no-one else could reach the depths of that hole! - he has been there. Holding me. Strengthening me. Pouring life and love and hope and courage into me! In the blackest night when my mind was too shattered to reach out, even to him - he simply sat with me. His arms wrapped around me. And while I struggled to feel it then, I still knew it. And I could see it looking back.
Just looking back at how he's been there for me my whole life - even when I'd gone right off the rails! - drawing me back into wholeness again - that's enough to remind me of my hearts loyalty to him! It ties my mind deeply to his as I pray. And the words become heartfelt and real - not just parroting off things that need to be said.
He is my dearest friend. Always will be. He has won my heart forever. And just reminding myself of these things makes my prayer time come alive.
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