"Tiny" sin
Our original parents were tricked into eating the fruit that brought death into the world. It seemed such a little thing! How could such a trivial act incur such a horrendous consequence?? Yet a bite of forbidden fruit sealed the fate of all mankind. And we're still making that same mistake today! Those little things that seem so tiny that we allow in our lives because we can't imagine them being important enough to be worthy of death! Surely they mean nothing in the big scheme of things!?? But there's something that tells us differently.
When Adam and Eve took that first bite of fruit, it was such a tiny act! But it set in motion a plan which must now take place to save us! That "tiny" sin, and each of ours, had to be paid for with the purest and most precious of lives! What we see as trivial, Jesus had to pay for with his own lifeblood!! Each one is extremely costly!!
Each "innocuous" move traps us in the vice-like grip of God's opponent!! And he demands the ransom for each one!! And Jesus holy blood is so potent, it has paid that ransom for all time and for every person!! But we must defect from the one who rules life here and claim the ransom and protection of Jesus to be free from the consequence of that "tiny" sin!! Satan will never willingly let us go.
Never underestimate that "little" "nothing" sin. It wears an enormous price!
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