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Judge Not

We down size our 'sin'. We think what we did wasn't so bad. We justify it by what was happening to us at the time. We often see our 'sin' as lesser than someone else's. And we look down on them for theirs. But this ...

We have no right to stand in judgement on anyone. We stand in life only because he gave his life for ours. Our sin, which we diminish, caused his death. We should only be humble. There is no goodness in ourselves that makes us any "better" than any others. Any goodness in us is his alone. It's only because of him that we can walk away from our sordid moments, leave them in the past, blotted from our record, and walk a new walk from "now" - and pray that his Spirit lives out his life in us so we don't mess up like that again.

No Christian should ever feel entitled to look down on anyone else! And we were warned - "Don't judge or you will be judged." Matthew 7:1

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