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Walking on Water

I've noticed something different about my drives to work now that I spend them praying. I no longer get cranky with the stupidity of drivers - or even notice them really! I don't stress about the time it's taking to get to work and the things that are holding me up. And somehow, I still make it to work, now filled with a sense of peace! And that's pretty awesome.

And again, the story of Peter stepping out into the waves came in to my mind! As long as his eyes were on Jesus, he walked the walk that was miraculous! A walk above it all! But as soon as his gaze fell to the unsettling disturbances all around him, they began to drag him down!

There will always be chaos and debris all around us that we're trying to navigate. This world is full of ups and downs and instability! It's easy to have our minds dwell on all this and be filled with its turmoil! Our focus becomes how to stagger our way through it all and keep our heads above water!

But keeping our eyes on God changes things completely! We still have the same chaotic life to negotiate - but somehow, with our eyes on him, we can stay above it all! And somehow we still make it through - without all the stressed responses. And with an amazing sense of peace.

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