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I was going through that beautiful Psalm - the Shepherd's Psalm. One that almost anyone would recognise. We love it because it is such a beautiful picture of God caring for us, and the trust we have in him. And I came to the line "He makes me lie down in green pastures". Sounds lush and beautiful, right?? The perfect place for a shepherd to lead his sheep. A wonderful picture of contentment.

But then I remembered something. The photos I've seen of Israel - especially as it would have been at this time - show a landscape that is pretty dry and arid! There are pathways all around the hills where the sheep are led to find enough blades of grass between the rocks to nourish them! Lying down is not an option if they want to find enough food!! They keep moving - finding a little food here and some more over there! Constantly trusting their Shepherd to find them enough.

Now there is a lesson just in that! But I came back to he image of the sheep lying down in green pastures. And it tells me something. These sheep's bellies were full!!! They were resting in contentment in the abundance of nourishment all around them!! In contrast to the starkness of little mercies here and there - this was a picture of God pouring out his goodness upon us!! Not in a measured and careful way, but lavishly!!!

And you know - while life, on the surface, can look like just a spot of blessing here and there, amongst all the rockiness of life, when your heart is buried deep in this Shepherd, you find nourishment in abundance in him!!! And the blessing he is in this life is lavish and beautiful, and your soul can rest contentedly in him! Even when life looks barren.

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