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Take the lifeboat!

As I sit here wrapped in warmth, mellow in my singing garden, rocking gently in my swing chair, thinking about my beautiful God and the wonderful things he came up with to make, it occurs to me that... 

Somewhere, someone shivers in naked feet Somewhere, someone's ears ring in the aftermath of fallen bombs Somewhere, a child lies numb, her body sold for another's pleasure Somewhere, a belly growls it's hunger as someone curls on concrete to sleep Somewhere, a family grieves, as their precious one fails to breathe Somewhere, there is darkness - sight lost to disease Somewhere, someone cowers, beaten and abused Somewhere, skin burns, from someone else's hate and greed. 

Many of us sit comfortable, far removed from life's dark underside. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. To others it is larger than life. 

God will come back and finish it all. He is waiting right now. But this ship will go down! He's offered a lifeboat, but few are taking it. He's hoping you will. But he can't wait forever. This can't go on forever. He has to stop it. And he will. Don't wait too long... ❤️ 

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