All Things Work Together
There is a verse in the Bible that says "... all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28) Now in context, it's talking about how even the tough things we go through, God uses to bring about good - in us, and in those whose lives ours touch. But this morning I saw another meaning.
I was sitting in my garden, breathing in the fresh morning coolness, listening to the early bird song and chatter, and thanking God for this little piece of tranquillity. And my thought train moved to the way all the different parts of creation work to support each other - how it all works in a harmonious whole together! He made it that way! For each one to support the other! That's why there's a sense of peace amongst nature.
He made us that way too! His kingdom is based on a law of selfless love - each supporting the others around them, so that all are lifted up! That's the way it was designed!! Unfortunately, we got this "self" thing going, and messed it all up. We want what's best for us first. And it leads to a very fragmented world for humankind.
God intended harmonious, generous community. We feel a need to nurture our selves first before we think we have enough to give. And that all-encompassing web of support dissolves away, so that we feel the self-love need more and more. God meant for "all things [to] work together for good". As in nature around us, we were all made to be lifters of those around us - and in this process, we ourselves would be lifted, while that would not be our focus.
As things are in this world, this network of support does not function as it was made to. So we do get hungry for the nurture that should naturally be there. The good news is, the one who created this world has an abundance of nurturing love and support to offer us, so those who tie themselves into him can then pour out what he fills them with, to the hungry ones around them.
One day, this world will again operate the way that he intended. Until then, burrow deep into that source of every good thing, and be the arms of support to those around you.
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