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Landscape of Love

I love the changing kaleidoscope that is our lives! I love the concept of living things! That God came up with the idea of things that grow and change and self heal! Even the non living things around us change - rocks for instance, which appear solidly immune to change, with the influence of weather over time, become transformed into beautiful sculptures!

I love the way each day is filled with movement! - leaves that rustle and dance on the breezes; clouds that transform all simple blue skies into morphing landscapes, sometimes shot with colour; waters that cascade shot with glittering light; waves that thunder against rock walls, spraying mist high into the air; sand that constantly moves and remodels under the influence of lapping waves and vigorous winds; shadows that march and sway under the sun's warm rays.

And then there's all the living creatures that cross our paths every day! All of it designed to delight us with its creativity and beauty! A colourful, moving landscape of life! How awesome is God who thought of it all and brought it into existence! How much love - to gift such an array of wonder to fill our lives!!

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