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Another Realm

There is another reason for prayer, beyond the obvious ones.

The first blog entry I've found is Jan 2017. I've been intentionally spending time with him in the morning now for more than seven years. Of course, I've been a Christian for much longer than that and have often spent time with him in the past, but this is quiet, focused, allocated time that I've been giving him. Because he asked me to. And it's done something awesome in my life.

Not only do I get to share with him all my requests and worries and leave them with him, replaced by a sense of peace; not only do I get to bring my friends and family to him, knowing he will care for them too; not only do I get to stop and remember who is in charge of my life and willingly give it back to him - I have also found something else in this time!

I have found a deepening realisation of who he is. He's become more real to me - more of a "person". Like in any relationship, the more time I've spent with him, the more I've seen in him!! And the more aware I've become of a world beyond this material, in-our-face one!!

It's tied my heart more deeply into the spiritual one! Made me aware of angels who walk amongst us, intervening mostly without our knowledge. Of a world of spiritual warfare being fought for our very souls!!! Of a God who is fighting to set us free and bring us the life we were meant to have!! Of the constant companionship and restorative work of his Spirit. And a very strong awareness of the need to be deeply his to come through this battle alive!! The more time I am with him, the more I know it's real, and the more I recognise the need for us to wake up from our zombie sleep before it's too late!!!

I know this probably sounds very weird and "wonderful" to many of my friends and family. I assure you, I am not nuts!! And while in many ways I'd rather I didn't seem so peculiar, knowing the way this story goes, I feel an intense need to share it! Because I do not want to lose you. Any of you. I love you. You are precious to me. And you are to him!

So, please hear me. Not as a crazy person, but as someone who might be seeing something terribly important for your life. As I see it, there's only one way out of the grave. If you want the most amazing life, like I do, please hear me. ❤️❤️❤️


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