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A deeper view
The most beautiful prayer... more deeply my own... Our Father... (you, who gave your son, to set me free and adopt me as your own) Who...

Precious Pearl...
The garden was cool and enticing in the early summer morning, and my gaze was drawn to the profusion of creamy blossoms adorning the gum...

You are His...
He spoke - And whole worlds came into existence. And it was good. He breathed his life into what he had made - And it became animated and...

Sweet delusion or reality ???
As I sat at the lights one day lost in the musings of my mind, I looked at the visual reality around me, and proposed a thought to myself...

The Love Dilemma
Imagine you were Mary - Jesus' mother. Imagine the joy of his birth. The pleasures -watching his first steps, hearing his first words! ...

Rock Bottom
Have you ever reached rock bottom? Felt that absolute despair and misery and isolation? Do you remember the weight of it? It felt like...

Lost at sea ...
It was like waking up in the middle of the ocean ... with no idea how I'd gotten there ... and no clue which way to swim. Like finding...

The canvas ...
Lately I've been trying to indulge a little in a hidden desire of mine ... I'd love to learn to paint! I love colour! And textures! ...

A splash of red.
Driving on my way to work, a little lost in thought, my eyes were suddenly caught by a crimson slash across the generally neutral toned...

Soooo loved.
Sometimes I get to feeling sorry for myself. It might not have taken much - just something a little thoughtless someone did or said. ...

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