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A deeper view

The most beautiful prayer... more deeply my own... 

Our Father... 

(you, who gave your son, to set me free and adopt me as your own) 

Who art in heaven... 

(who lives in a perfect and beautiful place that you want to share with me) 

Hallowed be thy name. 

(everything your name stands for is honourable and pure) 

Thy kingdom come! 

(your kingdom is one of life and love and the truest freedom - and we need it so much!) 

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

(your way is the way life was meant to be! It brings harmony and freedom from pain! Only on earth have we drifted away. We need to get back to the way you meant it to be - how  it still is where you are!) 

Give us this day our daily bread... 

(give us today what we really need. You are the one who truly knows what that is - and will care for us - more than you care for the tiny birds who must rely completely on you for their needs.)

And forgive us our trespasses...

(forgive us when we live for ourselves, without thought of the need of others, or the uplifting way of life you have meant for us)

As we forgive those who trespass against us. 

(give us a forgiving spirit like yours Lord, because without it there can be no healing.) 

And lead us not into temptation... 

(guard us from the things that will drag us down Lord) 

But deliver us from evil. 

(be our fortress and champion against the one who wants to take us from you.)

For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory... 

(everything is rightfully yours! You made it! You fought the greatest battle to save it! You have shone with majestic strength and character through it all!) 

Forever and ever! 

(you are eternal! And unchanging! And your way will stand forever!) 


(this is what my heart wants! Let it be!) 

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