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Soooo loved.

Sometimes I get to feeling sorry for myself. It might not have taken much - just something a little thoughtless someone did or said. And before I know it, I'm feeling unloved and unappreciated.

I was having one of those moments recently, when an awesome thought popped into my head - "I am sooooo loved". So loved that my heart fills to overflowing. So loved that my little hurts fade to insignificance. So loved, that regardless of how I feel I am being treated by people in my life (true or not), my need to feel loved is totally met, and I can be free to give that love, without being needy or moody.

It does take refocusing. It does take reminding myself of all that love He's pouring into me everyday, in so many ways, regardless of what He receives in return. But once my mind is in the right place - once my heart is refilled - the sadness drops away and my day is bright again.

John 3:16 "God soooo loved .... ". He didn't just love a little - He loved with hugeness! And He still does! I am soooo loved :)

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