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The canvas ...

Lately I've been trying to indulge a little in a hidden desire of mine ... I'd love to learn to paint! I love colour! And textures! And one day I hope to have some techniques down so that I can get what I love onto canvas in some meaningful and eye-catching way! For now, I'm content to explore in my hit-and-miss fashion, and see if I can create anything recognisable! :D

An artist's work is the expression of his soul. He pours himself out onto his canvas. Deep feelings and values are betrayed by the stroke of his brush. The more skilled the artist, the more readily this transmission occurs. They become less focused on the rules a new artist tends to follow, instead allowing their creativity to flow naturally into their work. Their art becomes more and more an expression of who they are.

This earth is God's canvas. He is the master artist - and each detail in nature portrays who He is.

Sit in the garden in the early morning. Notice how the new light picks out first one thing - then another. A spider's web - delicate and fragile - sparkles as it moves on the morning breeze. Next it highlights the stateliness of a stark ghost gum trunk. Such contrasts - each so profound in itself. Each a part of the whole beautiful picture.

Think about what each element says about the character of God - and then how that quality of God affects His relationship with you! His touch can be as gentle as a spider's web - so finely and beautifully created. His strength and purity of character like the sturdy ghost gum. A strength I can rely on. A touch that I can trust.

Does God seem far away sometimes? Is it hard to make Him seem real? Take some time to examine His work. Notice what qualities of character have been sewn into its fabric. Think about what those qualities mean to you personally - how a God with those qualities would interact with you. Think ... and be forever changed by the beauty of Him in your life. <3

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