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Precious Pearl...

The garden was cool and enticing in the early summer morning, and my gaze was drawn to the profusion of creamy blossoms adorning the gum trees. It drifted then to the variety of other trees and bushes dotted through my garden, and a recurring thought came to my attention - that God loves variety!!! Everything has so many variations!!! Even down to snowflakes which, amongst the billions that have fallen through time, each one has been unique!!! That takes creative genius!!!! 

Then there are humans. Much more complex and enduring than the ethereal snowflake! But again - through all of time - no two have been exactly identical!!! What an incredible thought! There has never been, and never will be, another like you!! Or anyone else!! Each one is unique!! And, as seen through the eyes of a collector, the unique has great value!! You are one of a kind!! And therefore extremely precious!!

Two stories then flashed into my mind - the treasure hidden in the field, and that precious pearl - more beautiful than anything seen before. Both so desired by the finder that he gave everything he had to win them! And in contrast to the way these stories have been taught, I was caught by this twist - what if God was the seeker, and we were the treasure he gave all for!!! 

You are worth more than you know. Don't ever underestimate how precious you are in the eyes of your God! 

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