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Real connection...
Sometimes when I sit and pray, it feels like my mind is just wandering, repeating little lines here and there that I've said in the past...
Dissolving the barriers
Imagine you have a friend, or family member, with whom you have a problem. Something that you, perhaps, have been the cause of. You're...
The hidden talent
There is a story in Matt 25, about a landowner who gave talents to all his workers. Some, he knew, were capable of carrying a greater...
What is believable??
It's winter, and dark brooding clouds fill the horizon. But driving home in the early morning light, I notice a glow lightly bronzing...
Power without force
"Submission" carries with it the connotation of one will, bent to another's. It seems odious to us because in many cases it has come with...
The broken ones...
We have all done things wrong in our lives. None of us is blameless. There will come a time when we are called to account for the things...
Lamb vs snake
Read a story this morning about a farmer who found his sheep with a very swollen head and two puncture wounds that were obviously a...
Living water...
In Matt 6, we find what's become known as the Lord's Prayer. In it, and just after it, Jesus makes a couple of comments that seem weird...
Is it really "No"???
Every day I place so many people into the hands of God. From experience, I know those hands hold healing and life and peace and comfort....
Reflect the Son!
I stepped out of my house this morning, to the shadow of a sunrise on the horizon. The days are beginning to lengthen. I love a good...
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