Key values...
"Freedom" is a key word in today's society. It is something that we see as a basic right, and with all the restrictions these days due to Covid, it is deeply emotive to many of us. It is also something God values highly - which is why, even now, he stands back from the world and creations that are rightfully his, and allows us to choose. He values it so highly in fact, that his son gave his own life blood to give us back the ability to choose! so we weren't just trapped in this world under chaos' rule.
But - there is a law which is higher than the law of freedom! It is a law upon which every other law is based, and through which, alone, all things move in harmony. It is the law of love. And we only have to look at the salvation story to see where the law of freedom without basis in the law of love leads! We need to be careful in our quest for freedom, that we are not over-riding the law of love, or we are guilty of perpetuating the error that began in the garden of Eden!
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