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I was putting our cat's food in her bowl on the laundry counter this morning, thinking how good it was that it was high enough that the dogs couldn't get it. She's a bit of a snacker - but they are definitely not 😂! And it reminded me of a story with a bit of a weird twist.

A woman, desperate for her child's welfare, followed Jesus around, crying out for help. At first he appeared to ignore her. The disciples noticed his disinterest and the fact that she was a bother to all there, and asked him to let them get rid of her! Afterall, she was a foreigner! How dare she intrude on their sacred space and time with him!

Jesus, knowing their minds, turned to her and said “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs." What a weird and harsh thing for Jesus to say to her! He who was the embodiment of love! She, however, would not be dissuaded from her mission! She had a child to be rescued! "Yes, Lord,” she said, “even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

I can imagine Jesus smiling a little at her response. His next words to her were warm and affectionate..."Oh woman, [the same word he used for the one he loved as his mother] your faith is great. Let it be done for you as you desire." He loved her! He was here for her too! So why the seemingly harsh response to her at first????

Begin with this premise - he was here for them all!! And the way to each person's heart is different!! So sometimes he came across as harsh (think of the way he spoke to the Pharisees sometimes!) because he knew it was the only way his point would reach its mark! (And even then, only maybe - because there was so much self pride!). And sometimes he was so very gentle - like when he bent down to lift a broken woman from the dust.

In the crumbs story, the lesson was directed not so much at the woman begging for his aid, but at the judging "chosen" ones around him who felt the messiah belonged to them alone. They needed to learn where Jesus stood. And he knew the woman would not be deterred! She was on a mission of love! And so was he. They just needed to see it!! And sometimes it's the surprise twist that sticks.

Read the rest of the story in Matthew 15 or Mark 7.

Picture created by Ross Cochrane


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