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I was putting our cat's food in her bowl on the laundry counter this morning, thinking how good it was that it was high enough that the...
Do I???
I think, like most people, I have a knack for noticing the faults in someone else. I notice when something's not put away where it should...
Beyond grey...
I was watching the grey clouds moving across our skies this morning, bringing with them the showers forecast all day. Even in their...
Why I write...
For a while now my heart has been torn. I see so much suffering and misery in my world and I long for Jesus to come back and stop it all!...
God is infinitely powerful. And so infinitely dangerous to us, as minuscule and impotent as we are. Except for this... Every move he...
Ok. The thing that gets me most - is that he's more huge than we can ever imagine - beyond the vastness of our known universe! - and yet...
My Rock
There is nothing that makes life more "do-able" than God. He is bedrock. He is strong and durable and unchanging. You can rely on his...
The Gift of Connection...
I think the real purpose of prayer is to make us more aware of the presence of God. To help us notice the wonderful attributes that make...
He is Love!
It occurs to me this morning that every one of the qualities that God has to share with us comes out of his love. "Love" obviously comes...
Sweet Rest...
Life has been a little crazy lately. My Dad is in hospital rehab after a few weeks in ICU and other wards, and between us all, my family...
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