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Form without Connection...

Driving to work yesterday, I was following a wandering train of thought, when I noticed I'd been singing a song about the goodness of God. And I pondered the weirdness of our brains that allows us to be thinking one train of thought whilst singing something else!

It happens often enough! Even in church, we can be singing wonderful songs of worship, while our minds are off chasing some other less worthy thought. It's one of the reasons why, as a worship leader, it was so important to me, to mention something before a song that would draw attention to a depth of meaning there, that might keep our minds focused on what we were singing.

Our words, without our hearts and minds attached, are meaningless. While it's nice to find ourselves singing lovely songs intended for God to hear, unless our minds are focused on the words we are singing, and our hearts dwell on their richness of personal relevance, we are not really worshipping. It becomes just a "form". We need focus so we can become "real" in our connection.

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