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The Bridge...

God is honourable. His law is good. It is what makes all things work together in harmony. It is an expression of his deepest characteristic of love. It is an explanation of how to live this love out! Living in this law of love, we remain connected to the source of life!

We broke that law. We break it every day. We are selfish, and love does not reconcile with selfishness. In breaking the law, we broke our connection with the source of life. We were supposed to live forever! But that was lost to us when we disconnected from its source.

God knew there was no way back for us. No way for us to find our way back to him and reconnect. We had become hopelessly lost. And worse, we had no idea that we were lost! All we knew was that life was hard and then we died. It became a fight to create a life to enjoy, while we still had it! And then it would be gone. A fleeting thing. And we knew the scars of loss.

The only way that God could reconnect us, was to merge himself with humanity. And so came Jesus. He was both God - the source of the law of love and it's eternal life, and human - connecting him with our frail mortality. He lived that law of love among us, trying to unravel our terrible views of who God was and what his law stood for, and to teach us instead of one who was reaching out to us, with a love that was beyond what we knew! And then he allowed his mortal body to succumb to the death that traps us here, knowing that he held within him that powerful life spark that could not be overcome, because the law of love and life was alive and well within him!!

And after three days, when death was more than sure that it had won, Jesus reinfused that lifeless body of his with the God-life, that could not die, within him! And he burst out of death's grip!!! And through that selfless union, he recreated the bond between God and humanity that allows us all the chance to again live forever, in a world where love rules! But we need to take hold of the life that is his, for that gift to be ours! For he is the only connection both ways! He is the bridge - and the only source of real life and love.

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