Cultural goals...
As a church we seem to feel a need to separate ourselves from the cultural elements of our day and time. It's as though we think it will keep our teachings and spirituality pure somehow. But for some obscure reason, the cultural behaviours and traditions of prior eras are seen as exempt of impurity. Somehow their ways were 'holier' than those in our current culture, so we cling to them, hoping that will keep our church pure.
What it actually does is widen the divide between us and our local community - the very ones Jesus is asking us to reach out to! Clinging to old traditions makes our style less relateable to the people we need to connect with! And it has absolutely nothing to do with message integrity!
Jesus lived with God in a place of absolute perfection and purity! Yet he didn't consider it beneath him to step down into our degraded world! He stepped out of heaven into the dirt and grime of earth, and touched the contagious and untouchables, to make real connections. He wore a human body, clothed in the way of the people around him. He ate their food, danced to wedding music (according to his culture! - and yes! their music was filled with rhythm!), mixed with the common people - and many that the most upright people in the church of the day considered unworthy to be with! And he did it in such a way that they did not feel uncomfortable being in his company! He was relateable!!
His whole purpose, in every decision he made, was in how to break through to the need in each heart! And that should be our guide in every decision made in our church! Not how to best please the 'saved' ones!! Not how to appease the disgruntled amongst us!!! It all needs to be done with the goal of his mission!!! To reach the ones who don't know him!!! Still with integrity of message!!! But with the intent of being cultural relateable!! So they can actually see somewhere they can feel at home!!!
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