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Closer Than a Brother..
(I was lost in prayer and thought on the way to work the other day. Just had time when I arrived to quickly write things down - otherwise...
Love Without Limits...
Love without reserve. Forgiveness without limits. So freeing knowing I can come to God who offers this to me. Especially since I know how...
True Colours...
I had a moment last night. I was tired and feeling a little cranky - and then with one little trigger the darker side of me broke out of...
Share the Music!
Bit of a whimsical post this morning 😊 "... With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, she shall have music wherever she goes!"....
The Cost of Love
He was the most perfect being we'd ever known. He was kind, filled with love and compassion and wisdom and goodness. And he was human -...
Intended for Evil, Used for Good.
One of the things I love about God the most, is that he always brings good out of bad. He has never promised that we won't go through...
His Way...
The way that I feel when I come to him - no hint of judgement in his eyes - such warmth and gracious acceptance - nothing held against me...
But You...
I would only feel shame for things I've said and done, if it wasn't for your forgiveness and the beauty I see through your eyes. I would...
Asleep in the Boat...
I am intrigued by the two images I see in the Bible, of people asleep in a boat in the middle of intense storm. One is Jonah - running in...
He uses the Storm...
"There is a storm attached to every sin" (Timothy Keller). Every time we launch ourselves in a direction away from what God has told us...
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