God in the Bad
There are many people who blame God for allowing bad things to happen. But God does not interfere when he is not invited to. He does not force his way into your life. And even when you have chosen to be connected to him, he still allows you to live life how you choose - and that can come with bad consequences! And those bad consequences can even affect someone else's life! Someone else's can affect you. 'Bad' is just a part of life here. What God does do, when invited, is help you to deal with those bad things more positively. Bring good out of the bad! And for all those who choose to be his, there is the promise of healing, and a perfect life to come. It can't completely happen here - there is another prince ruling this world, and his way is not kind. But there will come a time when God gets to rule again, and the world will be as it should be. And the pain and darkness will be over. Those are not the things he brings with him. That blame belongs elsewhere.
