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The Struggle
Just some thoughts this morning from a story in Genesis chapter 32... It struck me as odd, that Jacob wrestled with a man/angel/Jesus all...
Here's a sobering thought... Only those who bow in complete love submission to the ultimate love which is God, are compatible with living...
God in the Bad
There are many people who blame God for allowing bad things to happen. But God does not interfere when he is not invited to. He does not...
Real Connection
There are many things we do as Christians in an effort to be who God wants us to be. We go to church each week. We participate in the...
Whatever you did...
It's kind of a tough one this morning 😏, but learning is always good... There's a story that Jesus tells in Matthew 25, that finishes...
Let the Darkness go...
As humans we generally tend to have good intentions in our lives - but it's very easy to unintentionally cause offence, or to find...
Hot Potato
I was feeling hurt and annoyed. Let down by a friend who I had thought would support me. And I felt I had every right to feel this way....
Mountain Strength
I am just a small stone. Not very strong or secure in my self. But I am embedded in the mountain! And the mountain's strength becomes my...
Never Alone!
I guess I appear to be very confident in what I do, to a lot of people. Perhaps I'm the only one really aware that despite my advancing...
Be a Lifter!
I feel like the role I've been given on earth is to lift people. Now I don't always do a very good job of it. Like everyone, I have my...
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