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I don't know - but I know...

I'm not sure I understand all that God is, or how his character seen in the New Testament reconciles with the Old, but I do know this - based on years of my own experiences, what I see in nature (the artist pours himself into his work), who I see Jesus to be ("If you have seen me, you have seen the Father"), things that songs and Bible verses speak to me...

God is good. God is love. God is kind and patient and peace. God is deeply forgiving - he could have wiped us out for the way we treated his son, but he didn't. God is vibrantly alive - he loves colour and texture and vast variety. God is passionate about you and me and the way things should be. He's not distant or austere or out to get us. He waits with welcoming arms for any who come. He wants genuineness in our relationship with him. And he wants to be close. Closer than we ever figure out how to be.

So I will hang on to what I know about him - despite what I don't know. Because I love what I've already seen. And the rest of him somehow fits in with that. And he's taught me I can trust him in what I already know of him. And I continue to learn...

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him. And I continue to learn... him ialready know of him. And I continue to learn...


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