"Look at me!"
You know that frantic child - the one twitching with nervous energy, eyes darting in all directions looking for the next challenge to tackle. How do you get their attention to accomplish what you need them to do? You stay calm, come down to their level, maybe hold their face gently between your hands and turn them towards you while speaking the words "look at me". Then once you have connection, you can share what you need them to do, knowing they have more chance of actually hearing you so that they can follow through.
I think that's a bit like what Sabbath is. God wants us to stop our frantic darting from one activity to another - our crazy need to fill every moment with accomplishments and entertaining distractions. To be still - long enough - to hear him! He tries constantly to get through to us, but he's up against a complete lack of focus from us as we scramble to do life here!
Sabbath is meant to be that still time where he can finally get through! And remind us who we are to him! And who he is to us!! Before we break back into the melee again. It helps to keep us a little more on an even keel. And even more so if we find time throughout each day to be still! Even if just for a moment or two! To acknowledge and recentre on our reason for existence. So enjoy your Sabbath rest. Hear what he has to say. "Be still and know that [He] is God"
God". GoGod". to say. "Be still - and know - that [He] is God".