Mob Mentality
I look at the mob surrounding the woman thrown at Jesus's feet after being caught in adultery. I'm assuming they were upstanding, church going men. After all, that was the way of life in their community. How did they get caught up in this blood lust, thirsting after the public humiliation and punishment of this defenceless woman? Was it the herd mentality? A few less well-meaning people spouting their views about the shameful acceptance of decadence in society, and how it needed to be dealt with? Did that "truth" ring true in the ears of their followers, built up by heated discussions until they set out as vigilantes?
We see it happening in society around us! How easily some can sway the mood of a crowd. And then ... a thought. Easy to stand in judgement on the way these religious people behaved. Easy to be disgusted by their condemnation. But - how many of us carry stones? How many of us find ourselves, with others, tearing someone to shreds for something they've said or done? Are we any better than they?
