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Light against Dark
I got to sit and watch as the pale sunrise spilled light over the tops of the trees in our garden. I began to think about how much I...
If there was no heaven - if there was no life beyond this one - I would reach the end of my life blissfully content in the knowledge that...
Living water!
You see the tiny shoots pushing up from what was hard trodden clay littered with dust! They are responding to the life giving touch of...
You are His...
He spoke - And whole worlds came into existence. And it was good. He breathed his life into what he had made - And it became animated and...
Sweet delusion or reality ???
As I sat at the lights one day lost in the musings of my mind, I looked at the visual reality around me, and proposed a thought to myself...
Treasure ...
Buried treasure! The excitement that evokes! We are a people who love to seek into the deepest deep for diamonds! Dive to the ocean...
Lost at sea ...
It was like waking up in the middle of the ocean ... with no idea how I'd gotten there ... and no clue which way to swim. Like finding...
Part of the rock!
Recently I ran a songs for a worship program at church, for which a certain song was requested - "My Lighthouse" by Rend Collective. ...
A splash of red.
Driving on my way to work, a little lost in thought, my eyes were suddenly caught by a crimson slash across the generally neutral toned...
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