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Treasure ...

Buried treasure! The excitement that evokes! We are a people who love to seek into the deepest deep for diamonds! Dive to the ocean depths for pearls and exotic shells! Sift through the most hazardous environments for kaleidoscopic gems and fossils! We've been through the technological-age hunts of Pokemon-Go and Geo-caching! Now there's a painted rock hunt for the young and young-at-heart! Me? Well, I have my own special treasures I hunt - tiny, elusive wild orchids, hidden amongst the sprawl of leaf litter and native greenery. Such a thrill to find one of those little gifts - especially the harder-to-find, not-seen-by-me-before varieties!

Things in this world have more value, the rarer they are! The more we have to search for them, the more valued they are! Anything common and easily found, we tend to overlook as less desirable.

What if you had the opportunity to search for the most beautiful treasure ever known? It's worth way beyond anything you have to offer! But if you were willing to give up everything you have, and search with all you have in you - you could be sure of finding it!

In Matthew 13, Jesus speaks of a treasure found in a field by a man who then rushed to sell all he had to buy that field and own the treasure! Then there was a seller of pearls, who found the most exquisite pearl - so exquisite that he too had to sell all he had to acquire it!

The life that Jesus offers is that treasure. It is more beautiful than anything you have ever experienced! And it is worth everything that you have! Many people search for it - but not many are willing to give up everything for it - and so for many, it remains elusive. In Jeremiah 29:13 we are given the clue ... "And you will seek me and find me when you shall seek me with all your heart." Perhaps that is why it can be easier for those at rock bottom - those who have nothing left to lose - who have the greatest depth of need, to find that connection with God. I hope you don't need to get to that point to seek him out. Search for Him with all your heart and soul - and He has promised you will find Him.

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