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Pokey love
We are not good at love! We give pokey love! Our love is like that beautiful rose that looks and smells so divine - but suddenly, when...
Wellspring of love
I am a fragile thing. When someone I love hurts me, whether it's intended or not, I feel myself shrinking away and closing up against...
You know, for years I have been a worker. If it wasn't pouring my heart into my home for my family, I've been diligently doing by best at...
From Failure to Free!
Didn't think I had anything to write this morning 🤣. It's funny how thoughts kind of cascade. I found a weevil worm in my pantry today...
Serving Love...
When Jesus took off his robes, wrapped a towel around his waist, and took on the servant's role in washing his disciples' feet, he taught...
Changing Seasons...
For many years now, I have used my voice for God. I have sung of his goodness and his love in my life. I have chosen songs with poignant...
Unbelievable life!
It's hard to believe in the story of Jesus - right?! So many far-fetched things are supposed to have happened in his presence! Not the...
The Garden...
Last night it all went down. Jesus ate his final meal with his closest friends, trying to make them understand what was about to happen,...
HE IS...
He is goodness. He is life. He is healing. He is light - No darkness Dwells in him! He is wisdom. He is kindness. He is trustworthy -...
Diamonds in the Rough
When I get discouraged about how I'm doing as far as living up to what a Christian should be - the aim of course is to have the same...
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