True Colours...
I had a moment last night. I was tired and feeling a little cranky - and then with one little trigger the darker side of me broke out of its cage. It was only there for a few minutes. I don't like this side of me showing through and it's not long before I throw it back in its box again. But I know it's there. I just choose to not be that person. I choose instead the beautiful character God wants for me. But it made me think...
We have a way of looking at someone who shows their darker side, and saying that they are showing "their true colours". As if that's the person they really are. And it hit me that I reject that thought! Because if that was the case, I would be forever tarred by that ugly side of me! And that is not the me I choose to be! And I hope it's not what people see me to be!!! And it strikes me that I need to be careful in the way I view others also - that I don't label them with the moments that their dark side shows itself, but that I give them grace to overlook those as aberrations. And allow them to be who they choose to be too. Free of that dark side label.
(Please note though! I'm aware that this can be taken too far. I'm not suggesting that anyone should allow abuse in their lives! That is so not ok! I'm referring to healthy relationships and the not-so-great hiccups experienced...)
