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Intended for Evil, Used for Good.

One of the things I love about God the most, is that he always brings good out of bad. He has never promised that we won't go through hard times - long ago human-kind chose a leader who is a tyrant, and loves nothing better than our misery. It was a bad choice that we still make, and we live with its consequences. One day soon, God has promised to remake it all the way he intended it to be - without the sickness and evil and struggling. But until then, he has promised us this - that he will never leave us. That he will be there with us through it all. And that no matter what darkness tries to destroy, the light that is him will never be extinguished! It will shine through! And he will turn things around, so that good will come out of whatever we are going through. It may not come in the form we are praying for - but he will bring good out of bad.

Because that's what he does.


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