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Let it go!

You know those scifi books about a world destroyed by nuclear fallout - where everything is contaminated and shrivelling and dying? It's kind of like we're living in that story. We're all contaminated. We are all in the same boat, with that poison slowly leaching the life from our very souls.

Then along comes a hero. Someone in a hazmat suit, healthy and well! He tells us he can take us to somewhere safe, where we won't be sickening and dying. And he has a remedy for the contamination we've already experienced! He can make us well!!! But we have to be prepared to be completely stripped of our clothing and possessions. We need to be scrubbed clean, and undergo serious treatments to set us free from this curse. And we can't take anyone with us who isn't ready and willing to go through the same process, leaving everything behind, for themselves.

That is our story. We are sick and dying. And there is a hero! But you can't keep hanging on to some of the useless treasures you have and still be saved! Is there anything you're clinging to because you have feel you just have a right to have it in your life? Even though it does nothing good for you? Even though it's not a part of what he offers? You need to let it all go if you want the freedom he holds out to you! Otherwise, you might find yourself going down with that radioactive ship. 😔


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