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Light against Dark
I got to sit and watch as the pale sunrise spilled light over the tops of the trees in our garden. I began to think about how much I...

My Samaritan
I was driving along, lost in thought and thanking God for getting me through everything I've dealt with in my life, when a different...

Better than that
No matter how anyone else behaves, be honourable. Stay true to who God wants you to be - pure, full of love, blameless. Don't give in to...

Be still
You can get an almost perfect reflection of surrounding beauty in a body of water. But you know what it takes to get that? Stillness....

If there was no heaven - if there was no life beyond this one - I would reach the end of my life blissfully content in the knowledge that...

Love needs
I was craving God's love this morning. I wanted to climb up into his lap and feel his arms wrap around me. I just love it's purity and...

Partner for life
It's normal on New Year's Eve to look back. To reflect on the year that has passed and all its events and accomplishments. 2019 was a...

Kindness melts...
There were glimpses of memories from times past. Moments with people who became the ones I loved - and still love. And do you know what...

The child...
He didn't come as a warrior To fight for his right to rule. He didn't come as a mighty king To make us bow in awe. He didn't come as the...

Freedom to move
I think I finally know the reason for praying!!! Beyond what it does for us personally in building our relationship with God. Many times...

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