Precious changes...
It started raining a few days ago. I was so glad to see it rain! It was refreshing! And I could almost sense the dry summer landscape soaking it in!
I was reminded of a video I'd seen on Facebook recently - of a farmer, dancing joyously in rain he hadn't seen bless his farm for a long, long time. Such a beautiful, uplifting video!! And then I thought of the complaints, as raindrops that extinguished bushfires, became damaging floods! Too much sun and dryness, to too much drenching rain!
I began to think of how fickle we were - about everything really! We love the sun's warmth after cold winter days - but then we start to complain of the constant heat and dryness! And then it starts to cool off! And we enjoy the freshness it brings! But before too long, we're complaining of the length of dreary cold.
It made me think - how we don't really notice, or appreciate something after it has been a part of our environment for a while. It's the different things that stand out! It's the changes that we notice and savour. And I was thinking it's kind of like that with our relationships too. Including our relationship with God! In order to bring that sparkle and interest, we need to add change and freshness into our interactions with him and with those we treasure.
Don't settle for coasting in a comfortable unawareness in relationships. Add those sparkle changes that make you sit up and notice!