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Whatever you did...

It's kind of a tough one this morning šŸ˜, but learning is always good...

There's a story that Jesus tells in Matthew 25, that finishes with the line "... whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." It's a story that talks about the roles we should be playing in the lives of others - roles of love and support and gifting. But this morning it taught me something different.

I've been struggling with memories of my life as a mother. Now like most people, I've always had the best of intentions - always wanted to be the best mother to my children, and bring out the very best in them. But I'm human - and so are my kids - and we didn't always do things so perfectly. And I look back now, and I'm a little saddened at how often I failed at that "best mother" thing. Being older gives you the weight of many more mistakes to be aware of. šŸ˜

While I was thinking those thoughts, the verse from that story popped into my mind, and I recoiled at the thought of the way I've behaved in the heat of the moment with my children - and the image my mind constructed of that directed at the face of my beautiful God.

And all I could do was apologise - for years of things said and done without asking him to help me do them right. And to ask him to please repair the damage done. Because I can't take back what's been and done. Even though I'd like to try and do it differently. But I do have a God who's in the business of restoration. And he's the master of it. So I'll give him what I've messed up and let him make it beautiful.


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