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What is Church...?

For a while now I've been disappointed with the way we do "church". I've been saddened by our concentration on what works for us, what makes us feel good, without much consideration of what would make someone who's not used to church, feel at home there. We're supposed to be reaching out, but spend most of our time satisfying our selves. I would think that "church" should be something more than that - although I'm still looking for what that might look like.

I feel like we should be following our leader... Making friends beyond our circle, finding people who need help lifting their load, being the love that Jesus was, to people who really need it. And not in a manipulative way - not as a means to an end! Not to get a "conversion"! And not to start setting them straight! (Bible bashing does not attract anyone!) No - just to be a real friend. To lift people up. To let Jesus shine through who we are. (He speaks for himself.) To share warmth and genuine caring. And to create a home they can come to to feel safe and accepted.

Now don't get me wrong - I know there are beautiful people in our church already doing those things. But it's not our main focus. And I feel like it should be! And I'd love to belong to a church where it was. Where all that we did - all the decisions we made - were based on this way of thinking. What a gift we could be to those around us.


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