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Wellspring of love

I am a fragile thing. When someone I love hurts me, whether it's intended or not, I feel myself shrinking away and closing up against them. It's almost like they've poked a hole in my love bank and my love is draining away and I need to pull away to preserve my finite reserves. I need that love to hold myself up. But then I'm reminded I have a better way.

God is an overwhelmingly "enough" source of love! That love is constant and pure and ever lasting. And bigger than I could ever imagine! There has never been a moment I've felt hurt by him. I've never felt the need to close away from him. My trust in that love of his is complete. And when I feel myself shrinking from another who has hurt me, I remember something. He has given himself as an eternal spring of love for me so that I can continue to be filled and nurtured and overflowing with that love, and never have to be afraid of not having enough for my self to be held. I am filled by him - so that I am free to give, and not close myself away from those I love. Because I am secure in that love, I can "love anyway". I just have to remember where to fix my mind...


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