Wax vs Clay
I sit here in the beauty of my garden in the fresh brightness of a sunny autumn morning, and breathe in the joy and peace and enticement of it all!! I am sensing the presence and character of the one who made it!! And it is so beautiful!!!
It turns my mind to another expression of who God is, who came to this earth many years ago now. I recall the stories of how Jesus interacted with the common people he met along his way, and I love the deep compassion, wisdom and kindness that I see there. And I wonder, again, how anyone could have not fallen in love with who he was here????!
For the most part, it appears to have been the most "religious" of the people, who saw him in a dangerous light. They stood in judgement on his unorthodox ways, and condemned him as a sacrilegious rebel! Their hearts were hardened, when they should have been softened. And I wondered what was the difference?
The answer that came to me was this - pride. Pride makes it impossible for God to win us over! We are so focused on maintaining our "selves" that we cannot see him! The analogy of the wax and the clay came to my mind. The sun doesn't change its character - it pours out its warmth on both. But one becomes softened, while the other hardens.
Be careful where your heart leans. Don't let pride ruin your chance at the most beautiful relationship you'll ever experience.