He is the vine.
We are the branches.
Attached to him,
we receive his life-flow,
and flourish!
But we thought it would be cooler
to do life on our own!
So we took our branchy selves off
to do what we wanted!
Only trouble was,
without his life flowing into us,
the vibrance in us began to fade.
We didn't produce delicious fruit anymore.
Our leaves curled and shattered.
Without that connection,
we slowly die.
God wasn't judging us by telling us that!
It was simply a statement of fact.
But leaving us that way
wasn't ok for him.
At great cost to himself -
for the many branches that must be saved -
he cut himself deeply,
to graft us back in!!!
So we could be connected to his life-force again!!
And live!!!
And flourish!!!
But he won't force you
to be his.
If you don't want that,
you can be yours.
But without him,
you will wither
and die.
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